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3 Days Program

Detoxing / Cleansing Juice


What is Juice Cleanse ?

A juice cleanse is a type of detox diet that involves consuming vegetable and fruit juice for a short period of time.

a juice cleanse supports the body's natural detox processes, clears the diet of sugar, caffeine, refined foods, and other foods and substances that can deplete energy, and jumpstarts a more healthful way of eating.


Preparation for a Juice Cleanse

1 to 5 Days Before, Gradually stop the intake of coffee, refined sugar meat, dairy products. wheat. alcohol, and nicotine to reduce headaches, cravens, and other withdrawal symptoms.Upon waking, Drink a glass* of lukewarm water with splash of fresh lemon juiceDuring the program you get 6 fresh juices smoothies, +1 soups, made from fruit, vegetables, super food, nuts and seeds. The juices each day meet your daily energy requirements and are designed to be taken in a specific order based on your digestive pattern, and each juice has certain cleansing, healing power.Each of the 7 bottles you'll receive during the day are 400ml.They contain a range of different fruit and vegetables - anything from apples, orange, melons, beetroot, celery, tomatoes, carrot.spinach, coconuts, papaya, pomegranate, cucumber, spinach, parsley, mint, lentils, beetroot, bitterguards, wheatgrass, acai berries, lemon, flax, seeds, chia seeds, matcha powder, spirulina, goji berry, raw wild honey, himalayan pink salt...Vegan option available



As Juice Cleansing aims to flush out toxins from the body, it's advisable not to indulge in intense physical activities. Normal activity such as walking can help to boost blood & lymphatic circulation.
Also try massage therapy during the cleansing

Breaking the Juice Cleanse
After the juice fast is complete, food should be gradually re-introduced.
The day after completing a detox diet or juice cleanse, eat mainly vegetables, either raw or lightly steamed, and fruits or nuts. Portion sizes should be small and the diet should be very similar to what you did to prepare for cleaning no sugar coffee, wheat, gluten containing foods, processed foods or dairy..
The next day, include more plant food, such as beans brown rice or oats.
Continue to add back foods that you'd like to have in your regular diet.

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